Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Understand The Need of an AAG Life Coach

An article in “Money Watch” says coaching is as much of a perk to employees as are their computers. Employees may view coaching as a value-added benefit. Done right, professional coaching can drive sales, employee engagement, creativity, workplace satisfaction and bottom line results.

According to a Manchester consulting group, a study of Fortune 100 executives, The Economic Times reports; coaching resulted in a ROI (Return on Investment) of almost 6 times the program cost as well as 77% improvement in relationships, 67% improvement in teamwork, 61% improvement in job satisfaction and 48% improvement in quality.

Good coaching focuses on individual strengths and aims to help the client achieve what they want more of in life and work. The goal; to help the client identify and achieve their greater goals and to help them live a better life. A good coach isn’t there to fix anyone, but to help the client navigate towards a more engaged and compelling future.

There is a wide spectrum of how coaching is delivered. The most recommended is telephone sessions for ease of use, minimization of distractions, better privacy, greater efficiency and for (yes, apparently) better connection to the client.

Most clients realize they don’t need another parent, sibling, friend or coworker telling them what they should be doing. Instead, coaches help their clients explore and come up with the best choices for them based on where they are and their vision for the future.

Bottom line, coaching is an investment that can produce monetary rewards above and beyond the cost.

Check out the new website; a Life Coach Learning Center.

Your friend


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

A True GPS System For Your Success

Many people think they do not need help and can do everything by themselves. When you become really serious about what you want to achieve in your life and give yourself every opportunity, you will search for support, advice, guidance and help. People don’t really need a financial advisor, personal trainer or even an accountant. They could do everything themselves, but in reality, these people become an enormous help for you.
Have you ever placed limits on yourself? Everyone has limiting believes and patterns that are holding themselves back from fulfilling their true potential. When people attempt to do things on their own, they take the long route and waste a lot of time.
What would you do if I told you I have a GPS system that has the fastest way to get you to your true potential and achieving what you want? This GPS system will save you stress, frustration and time. This GPS system will give you self-confidence and move you forward. Would you be interested in this GPS system? Of course, you would be sincerely interested.
Do you feel you have no clear vision of what you want. Goals that are not your own, bad finances, too busy and living on repeat? The real GPS for anyone’s life is to work with an AAG life coach. Pull up this Life Coaching Learning Center at and you will find the GPS you need.
Your friend,

Thursday, November 9, 2017

What is rationalization? The act of making excuses.

People make more excuses in their business life more than anywhere else. This becomes an ineffective behavior coming from fear, anxiety and insecurity. This is all about people’s emotions. When we take a bad action course based on negative thoughts we become inactive. People make themselves feel better by rationalization. In reality they honestly know deep down they made a crappy choice and they continue living this way.

Do you think people who rationalize or make excuses in business are successful? Yes or No

Do you know anyone like this? Yes or No

People who live this way have the most frustrating and unfulfilling lives. They become oblivious to their negative thoughts and excuses.

Rationalization is something you can overcome. You can detect it when you observe your own choices you make. Your rationalization is an emotion based on negative thinking. Fears and insecurities cause you to think negative and make choices not to do things which is necessary for you to succeed. You must except your fears and insecurities and recognize when you are acting based on those fears and insecurities. If you do not recognize your rationalization you will not be able to fix it.

You can do what you really want to do in your life. Follow your dreams and goals and do what is required for you to succeed by stopping rationalization.

There are courses to help.

Your friend,

What is discipline? It’s training expected to produce a pattern of behavior in personal improvement.

Let’s look at self-discipline. It is one of the important ingredients of success. It gives you the ability not to give up until you accomplish what you set out to do.

When someone creates discipline it helps to stay focused in work, activities, and your goals. A person with strong goals in their life will use discipline to avoid distractions. They know how to set their goals and develop discipline to succeed quicker. You must realize, goalsetting is a process. You need to ask yourself; do you set goals the proper and effective way?

Your personal goals will take self-discipline to control your impulses, emotions, desire and behavior. You must turn down immediate gratification in favor of gaining fulfillment of achieving your goals. Your goals must have a game plan and you need to know and learn how to create a proper game plan. Your game plan to achieve your goals will activate you to take action regardless of obstacles, discomfort or difficulties.

Being disciplined does not mean living a limited aura or restrictive lifestyle and giving up everything you enjoy. It does mean learning how to focus on your goals. No process takes place overnight. It takes time to achieve your goals. People set goals all the time and never create a game plan or create self-discipline. This is why people fail to achieve their goals. Your game plan, done properly, will establish a daily routine that will help you to be successful.

Ask yourself these three questions. You need to be 100% sure.
          1. Do you know how to create self-discipline? Yes or No
          2. Do you know how to create a game plan? Yes or No
          3. Do you know how to set goals properly? Yes or No

If you’re not sure of these three questions you need the “Goal Management Course” from

Your friend,


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

1033 - WWW - "What Went Well" or "What Went Wrong"

WWW – “What Went Well”  or “What Went Wrong”
Let’s look at the last 12 months of your life.
Write down or just think about the last 12 months.

Now, asked yourself, “What went well?“ It might be tough to remember everything. Try to think about every month. Think about every little thing and big thing that you feel, “what went well“.  Do not think about “what went wrong“?   All the things you did wrong are experiences to help you concentrate for the future of “what went well“.

Now, asked yourself this question. For all the things that you feel “what went well“, can you repeat those things and do it better?“

Now, ask yourself this question. How will I plan to do these things that I feel “what went well“?   The keyword here is plan. You need a plan of action to continue to do “what went well” and do it better. Plus you need to do more things in the future that you feel will be “what went well”.

I believe you can continue and do better with “what went well“ when you create a plan of action. Your plan of action starts with learning and understanding how to set your goals properly.
Enhance your life and start now with OURAAG “Goal Management Course“.
Your friend,


Saturday, September 9, 2017


Fact:   Your daily habits or we can call it your daily routine will dictate your future.

Fact:   You cannot look at past results and gain self-confidence.  Instead, you must look at your goals.  You simply must create the correct habits on a daily basis to achieve goals.

Fact:   For anyone who wants to achieve their goals, they must invest in themselves.  If you are not working on how you think (your mind) daily, you will most likely be crushed by negative in your life.  Your mind controls everything you do.

Fact:   Thoughts you allow into your mind will determine your future.

Learn how to create the correct habits and thoughts
to achieve your goals.

Randy Siciliano

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Newsletter 1032 What is Leadership?

What is “Leadership”?

There are many definitions to the word "Leadership". Most people define "Leadership" as leaders who are people who know how to achieve goals and inspire people along the way.

Here are some exciting examples of defining the word "Leadership".

1. Leadership is being bold enough to have vision and humble enough to recognize achieving it will take the efforts of many people.

2. Effective "Leadership" is providing the vision and motivation to a team so they work together towards the same goal.

3. Leadership is when someone is willing to stand up in front, to be either the target or the hero and to take responsibility for the success or failure of a given goal.

4. A leader is a person who takes you where you will not go alone.

5.  Leadership is the ability to take an average team of individuals and transform them into an above average team.

No matter how you define “Leadership” it all starts with your priorities. 

What are your top three priorities? 
Once you define and select your own priorities, you will have direction to help and lead others with their priorities.

Learn how to set your own priorities through "Priority Cards Management Course".  You will not only learn how to select and define your priorities, you will be able to share this course to help others do the same.

Your friend,


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Newsletter 1031 - Overcome Bad Habits and Create New Habits

Habits are a strong and powerful part of anyone's life. Through repetitious behavior your habits will move you to succeed or move you to fail. Bad habits will keep you living your life in a capacity of being below average. When you change personally by replacing your bad habits with good habits your life begins to improve and you begin the journey of an above average life. It will take commitment on your part. 

Your first step to creating good habits is properly setting goals. If I asked you, "What are your top three bad habits?", you would easily and quickly choose those three bad habits. If you honestly struggle choosing three bad habits, ask a close friend, mate, boss, brother or sister. 

We are not interested in bad habits.  We are interested in good habits, change and properly setting goals. So let me list 10 habits that will change your life, allow you to enjoy more success and be happy.

Good habits.....

1.  Wake up earlier-Gives you more time to organize your day and focus on your goals.

2. Exercise – Even a small amount of exercise will help you feel better and give you more motivation for your day.

3. Daily Goal Review – Whether your goals are to achieve more in business or life you need to review your goals daily.

4.  Inspire yourself – When you set goals properly,  your goals will give you a new and positive direction. Your goals will help and inspire you through negative times and discouraging times.

5. Control Your Budget – Beware of the little expenses and think twice on large expenses. Your financial life plays an important part on your success. Set goals properly and work to achieve those goals.

6.  Educate Yourself – Spend time to learn and prepare for your future. Learning is personal growth. Do something every day to teach yourself to become a better person. Take an online course. You will be able to work on your course during your free time and you will feel 100% better about yourself. Review / Success Courses and get started today.

7.  Network With Other People – Reach out to others. Find a way that you can help and add value to the lives of others. 

8. Do Away With Fear – The quickest way to failure is allowing fear to stop your progress towards your future. Learn to stop the fear of talking to people. Just do it! Learn to stop any fear by doing what needs to be done.

9. Take Action – The opposite of action is procrastination. You may have a number of reasons not to take action. Whatever you have been putting off needs a "call of action" right now. Create the momentum to act.

10.  Follow A  Plan – Whatever you want out of your life, setting goals properly with a plan of action will be enormous towards your journey of success.

Do you know how to set goals properly? Find out now. A step-by-step format and understanding though will get rid of bad habits by simply taking small steps day in and day out. It is a start with setting goals properly.

Learn how!

Your friend,


Monday, June 26, 2017

Newsletter 1030

Dear Friend,

Anyone can change by changing what information you put into your mind. If you accept doubt, negative and garbage into your mind, where do you think you will be in the future?  People allow bad information, through other people, radio, television, Internet, reading and association, to enter their mind. When this happens you must digest this bad or negative information and turn it into a positive. This is hard to do!

How often do you catch a cold or virus? When this happens, you do everything to clean out your system to get rid of the cold or virus. You quickly go to your medicine cabinet or drugstore for any type of medicine for help. Our minds work the same way. We all need to clean out our mind from the negative, doubt and garbage we've allowed to enter our mind and our thinking process.

Today we need to delete the cold or virus from your mind. "What we feed our minds determines our performance".  Many times it is almost impossible to stop the negative garbage that enters our minds. It comes from work, family, friends and life situations. You cannot let it affect you. Accept it, deal with it but  most important, use it to change your thinking by feeding your mind with a high performance of positive. To do this, you need new input into your mind.

Are you ready to get rid of the cold or virus you let into your mind? Three recommendations for you;
1. Goal Management Course
2. Lessons of Life For Success Course
3. Priority Cards Management Course

Be ready for positive and exciting mental input.


Your friend,


PS "You are designed for accomplishment, engineered for success and endowed with the seeds of greatness."
Zig Zigler

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Newsletter 1029 Before You Start

1.  Give up complaining. No one cares and it will never help you. 

2. Give up trying to be perfect. You will never be perfect. To get started in anything you choose to do, never think you need to be perfect. Just get started. You cannot be successful in anything, unless you start. 

3. Give up lying. You will never help yourself by lying.  You will always know the truth. The truth will always reveal itself sooner or later. 

4. Give up saying "I can't". The words you speak will be a huge advantage or disadvantage in the way you respond. 

5.  Give up setting small goals. Most people set small goals because they do not believe they can achieve larger goals. Start setting bigger goals which will give you more motivation to accomplish your goal.

6. Give up blaming others. Take responsibility for your own actions. You will feel better about yourself. 

7. Give up avoiding change. Embrace change and realize change is for the better. Change is personal growth and it makes you a better person. You will either stay the same, go backwards or move forward when you change. 

8.  Give up being dramatic. Stay out of other peoples business or drama and of course do not create your own. 

9. Give up being shy. Network with people. Meet new people and begin to introduce yourself to others. Create a new habit. 

10.  Give up doing the same thing over and over again. Set new goals, choose your priorities and get out of your comfort zone. 

New goals, choosing your priorities and learning new lessons for success will be a huge advantage to your journey towards success. Choose to take a success course through 

Your friend, 


Thursday, May 11, 2017

1028 - Where To Start For Success

Success is a journey, not a destination. It's about becoming the very best version of yourself. 

Success will take personal growth and learning to overcome obstacles.
Success is becoming the person who is happy, prosperous, secure and has a peace of mind. You can achieve more success and become the person that is constantly growing by unleashing your full potential.
To start, you need to act. Make this year about your success and the success of those you love. Personal growth, understanding and preparation is where you should start. You cannot wait for others to create the future you want. When you properly identify your priorities, set goals properly and learn to identify your success, this year will be amazing. The choice is yours. This is why we created so you have the tools to make it your best year ever.
Pull up for your start.
Your friend,

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Make A 1% Commitment

Do you realize 14 minutes is 1% of the time in a day. You can change every day of your life by giving 1% every morning. 

Invest 14 minutes every morning to yourself. In these 14 minutes, plan and prepare for your day. Start by reviewing your top three priorities. Your priorities turn into your dreams and your dreams turn into your goals.

Next, alert yourself to schedule and plan any work you need to do. Ask yourself these two questions:
       1. What do I want to achieve today?
       2. Create your daily plan and ask yourself; what do I need to do today? 
(Write your answers down on a piece of paper for review during the day)

Two more questions:
       1. Do you know your top three priorities?
       2. Have you learned how to set goals properly? 

At you have the opportunity to learn with our 2 Success Courses. "Priority Card Management Course" and "Goal Management Course".  Order one or both courses and work with an Advisor/Coach "free of charge".


Monday, April 3, 2017

1026-Why Improve Yourself

If you take time out to improve yourself then you become an inspiration and a role model to other people. Believe it or not, self-improvement is fun. Improving yourself gives you a great sense of purpose. It also gives you a sense of achievement. When you move forward by improving yourself, you will not stagnate or deteriorate. 
Learn to stand up for yourself. It begins with new goals on developing a strong sense of self-confidence. Goals give you control over your own destiny. You improve yourself by preparation. 
Have you ever created your own personal plan of action. A plan of action is simply making new changes and habits. Self-improvement is your first step toward success. When you set goals to improve yourself it is important to remind yourself about your specific goals on a daily basis. When you focus on what you can do now and in the future to achieve your goals, you will experience self-improvement 
Here are some self improvement goals:   
1. Improve my attitude 
2. Improve my laziness 
3.Quit procrastinating 
4. Control my anger 
5.Improve my activity. 
Before you try to set goals you must learn to do it right. If you're serious about self-improvement order our "Goal Management Course" at

Best regards,


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Dear Friend,

To be successful in anything, you must know what to do and when to do it.

Achieving your goals doesn't have to be hard and it isn't hard when you know what to do. You must create a plan to accomplish your goals. Before you have a plan, you need to know how to set your goals properly. Setting your goals properly becomes your "blueprint for success".

Let me asked some questions…

1.      How many times have you found yourself sitting at the kitchen table wondering what you should do?

2.     Do you degrade yourself into idle chat because you lost focus?

3.     Have you thrown up your hands in despair and found yourself   

doing something around the house, playing on the computer, watching TV, going shopping just to relieve your frustration?

If you want to make your life better in your quest for success, then get a copy of our "Goal Management Course" at

When you set goals you will change your life for the better. You will feel like a different person. Your goals, set properly, will make you focus on what you should do and where you are going. Don't delay! Do not put your goals off! Don't procrastinate.

Learn today and change your journey toward success.

Order your "Goal Management Course" at and find out for yourself.

Your friend,


Sunday, March 5, 2017

Grief and Your Personal Goals

Many times in life you may experience grief in your finances, business or family. You may lose a mate, family member or friend, money, job, or a promotion.

You may feel anger and get depressed. Sooner or later you must deal with acceptance and move on. If someone chooses not to move on they could experience a heart attack, or need a prescription/ medication and possibly suffer from substance abuse. 

Grief is a natural response to the loss of something. It becomes personal and a highly individual experience. A very important factor to overcome grief is support from other people.

What's most important to anyone dealing with grief is to take care of themselves. Taking care of yourself is a choice everyone needs to make; not only during time of grief. Take care of yourself all the time.

Ask yourself, what are my goals and where am I going in life? What is my plan? What makes me excited and hopeful? When you ask yourself these questions you will immediately begin to set goals. Setting goals is not just thinking about your goals. It becomes serious, exciting and hopeful.  You have a plan of action and are looking positive to your future. Your goals may help you overcome anger, fear, depression and sadness. Goals need to be created and everyone must learn how to set goals properly. Your goals may change your life for the positive and generate energy.  Learn to set goals properly with a step-by-step format. I believe your thoughts, attitude and future will be motivating when you set goals properly.

Learn today with our “Goal Management Course”.

Your friend,


Monday, January 30, 2017

Here Are Your Seven Goal Questions

1. Are your goals written down? 
Writing your goals down makes them real, gives you clarity and helps make you accountable. 

2. Are your goals truly your own goals? 
Choose your own goals, not goals you're expected to achieve created by a family member, job or someone else. 

3. Do you know how to focus on your goals? 
You must learn how to give constant attention to your goals. 

4. Do your goals have a plan of action? 
 It's vital to learn how a plan of action must be created to accomplish your goals. 

5. What is the cost of your goals? 
You need to understand that goals have a cost whether it's time, money or working.

6. Why is achieving your goals important to you? 
Learn your clear and compelling reason. Why? Because you won't do what is necessary to reach your goals. 

7. Do your goals have a date of accomplishment? 
You must learn to organize your goals for the time period of accomplishment? 
Learn Now........How to properly set your goals....
        1. Write down your goals.
        2. Truly choose your own goals. 
        3. Focus on your goals. 
        4. Create your plan of action. 
        5. Understand the cost of your goals. 
        6. Achieve your goals.           
        7. Date your goals for accomplishment. 

Your friend,