Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Understand The Need of an AAG Life Coach

An article in “Money Watch” says coaching is as much of a perk to employees as are their computers. Employees may view coaching as a value-added benefit. Done right, professional coaching can drive sales, employee engagement, creativity, workplace satisfaction and bottom line results.

According to a Manchester consulting group, a study of Fortune 100 executives, The Economic Times reports; coaching resulted in a ROI (Return on Investment) of almost 6 times the program cost as well as 77% improvement in relationships, 67% improvement in teamwork, 61% improvement in job satisfaction and 48% improvement in quality.

Good coaching focuses on individual strengths and aims to help the client achieve what they want more of in life and work. The goal; to help the client identify and achieve their greater goals and to help them live a better life. A good coach isn’t there to fix anyone, but to help the client navigate towards a more engaged and compelling future.

There is a wide spectrum of how coaching is delivered. The most recommended is telephone sessions for ease of use, minimization of distractions, better privacy, greater efficiency and for (yes, apparently) better connection to the client.

Most clients realize they don’t need another parent, sibling, friend or coworker telling them what they should be doing. Instead, coaches help their clients explore and come up with the best choices for them based on where they are and their vision for the future.

Bottom line, coaching is an investment that can produce monetary rewards above and beyond the cost.

Check out the new website; a Life Coach Learning Center.

Your friend


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

A True GPS System For Your Success

Many people think they do not need help and can do everything by themselves. When you become really serious about what you want to achieve in your life and give yourself every opportunity, you will search for support, advice, guidance and help. People don’t really need a financial advisor, personal trainer or even an accountant. They could do everything themselves, but in reality, these people become an enormous help for you.
Have you ever placed limits on yourself? Everyone has limiting believes and patterns that are holding themselves back from fulfilling their true potential. When people attempt to do things on their own, they take the long route and waste a lot of time.
What would you do if I told you I have a GPS system that has the fastest way to get you to your true potential and achieving what you want? This GPS system will save you stress, frustration and time. This GPS system will give you self-confidence and move you forward. Would you be interested in this GPS system? Of course, you would be sincerely interested.
Do you feel you have no clear vision of what you want. Goals that are not your own, bad finances, too busy and living on repeat? The real GPS for anyone’s life is to work with an AAG life coach. Pull up this Life Coaching Learning Center at and you will find the GPS you need.
Your friend,