Saturday, April 27, 2019

Mom & Dad’s of High School Students Who are Planning to Attend College

Attending college is becoming more and more financially challenging for middle-class families. Nine out of ten college freshman think they will earn their Bachelor’s degree within the traditional four years, according to a nationwide survey conducted by the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA. But the United States Department of Education reports, fewer than half that many, actually will. Forty-five percent will not finish even after six years. This means too many students and families often overlook the enormous additional expense of the extra time to graduate.

Borrowing money or college student loans are out of control. Too many college students are thousands and thousands of dollars in debt after graduation. Many college students are in their 40s before they finish paying off college debt.

If you have a son or daughter in high school and they are planning on going to college, you must start understanding and learning the college process. Do not wait until your student is a junior or senior in high school.

Families need to understand student exposure and what is necessary to make your students profile more attractive to college FAOs and if your student is searching for an athletic scholarship their profile needs to be attractive to coaches.  How much do you know about scholarships for academic and athletic students, grants, endowments, financial aid, student loans and the entire college process?

Learning and understanding the college process is a necessity. For example, you must know what FAO, FO, COA, FAFSA, EFC, NCAA rules and requirements all mean? You need a college action plan!

To learn, understand and lower the cost of college tuition for your son/daughter is easy to accomplish with you reviewing two websites. &

Please email me with any questions.

Sincerely yours,


Network Marketer - Learn to be a Coach

As a network marketer, you most likely are working on new sign-ups. Good for you! Did you give up on the many network marketers already involved in your business? Did you get frustrated due to the lack of productivity and actions from any of your downline network marketers? I am sure you answered, yes. You spent a lot of time teaching how to sign up new people and how to sell. You have done this over and over again. You also suggested books, CDs, videos etc. and often many of your network marketers cannot figure it out and really never get started and give up too soon.

The problem is not your teaching or leadership. The problem is what you’re teaching. Network marketers, from the beginning, need to learn how to believe in themselves, get out of their comfort zone and make commitments. They must learn their dreams and goals will determine their actions. Books, CDs, and videos are not working. Your network marketers need more in-depth instructions, illustrations and details of what they need to do for personal growth. Your network marketers are waiting for their leader to help.

They lack “Mental Toughness” and “Goal Management”. Teaching every network marketer in your business how to believe in themselves, get out of their comfort zone and become productive is done through personal growth.
Don’t give up on anyone. Become their coach by using courses to teach. You will see the difference in your downline through course teaching and coaching.

Learn more about our courses and learn to be a great coach.  Pull up:

Sign up for our Newsletter/Blog on future information and details to be a great coach.  Any questions or concerns:  email –, or call 1-800-360-7107.
Your friend,

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Do You Need Personal Development?

Do You Need Personal Development?

How important is personal behavior, development, money, career, success to you? On a scale from 1 to 10, circle your answer in your mind. It takes people years of experience, lessons and learning to become financially successful and become a better person. Some people after years, still never make it. How big are your dreams and goals? Your dreams and goals will determine your actions. Have you ever heard the phrase, “If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me?”  It is true, it is up to you. You can learn more in six weeks what is required to know and learn to achieve your dreams and goals.
Have you been ignoring your personal behavior and development? Don’t spend years and years learning, changing, hoping and developing. Do it in six weeks! Plus have your own personal life coach to inspire you, guide you, and help you attract success.

You will receive in one packet, hardcopies of the following:
            Book -  “Control Your Money”
          Book -  “Change Your Belief System and Earn More Money”      
          Book – “The Value & Process of a College Life Coach Career”
          Course – “Goal Management”
          Course – “Lessons of Life for Success”
          Course -  “Mental Toughness”
          Course – “Priority Management” with Priority Cards
          Course – “AAG Life Coach Training”
          Course -  “The College Solution”
          Coach - Your personal life coach

            BONUS -  One CD “Overworked and Under Paid”

Our books, courses and CD will be shipped directly to you.
Special package price:  $699  (includes shipping)

Pull up:   Click on: “Contact us” and leave in the message box “special package price”.  Fill out your name, address, email and your personal life coach will respond, ASAP.

Payment is secure and processed through PayPal.

Randy Siciliano

Please email with any questions to: