As a network marketer, you most likely are
working on new sign-ups. Good for you! Did you give up on the many network
marketers already involved in your business? Did you get frustrated due to the
lack of productivity and actions from any of your downline network marketers? I
am sure you answered, yes. You spent a lot of time teaching how to sign up new
people and how to sell. You have done this over and over again. You also
suggested books, CDs, videos etc. and often many of your network marketers
cannot figure it out and really never get started and give up too soon.
The problem is not your teaching or leadership. The problem is what you’re teaching. Network marketers, from the beginning, need to learn how to believe in themselves, get out of their comfort zone and make commitments. They must learn their dreams and goals will determine their actions. Books, CDs, and videos are not working. Your network marketers need more in-depth instructions, illustrations and details of what they need to do for personal growth. Your network marketers are waiting for their leader to help.
They lack “Mental Toughness” and “Goal Management”. Teaching every network marketer in your business how to believe in themselves, get out of their comfort zone and become productive is done through personal growth.
The problem is not your teaching or leadership. The problem is what you’re teaching. Network marketers, from the beginning, need to learn how to believe in themselves, get out of their comfort zone and make commitments. They must learn their dreams and goals will determine their actions. Books, CDs, and videos are not working. Your network marketers need more in-depth instructions, illustrations and details of what they need to do for personal growth. Your network marketers are waiting for their leader to help.
They lack “Mental Toughness” and “Goal Management”. Teaching every network marketer in your business how to believe in themselves, get out of their comfort zone and become productive is done through personal growth.
Don’t give up on
anyone. Become their coach by using
courses to teach. You will see the difference in your downline through course
teaching and coaching.
Learn more about our courses and learn to be a great coach. Pull up:
Sign up for our Newsletter/Blog on future information and details to be a great coach. Any questions or concerns: email –, or call 1-800-360-7107.
Learn more about our courses and learn to be a great coach. Pull up:
Sign up for our Newsletter/Blog on future information and details to be a great coach. Any questions or concerns: email –, or call 1-800-360-7107.
Your friend,
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