Monday, December 5, 2016

1022 - Four Things to Quit & Four things to Do

Let's look at the four important things people need to quit doing to be successful. 
1.  Quit stopping - Don't start a task and stop. Start again and repeat the process. Finish the project, task or work that needs to be done 
2.  Quit saying tomorrow. No procrastinating on any project, task or work. Do not keep any type of habit in your life that you created which makes you say, "I will do it tomorrow". Stop it! 
3.  Quit saying "yes". You cannot say yes to everything or everyone. Control your time management. You cannot stop and say, "yes I will pick up the kids", "yes I will play golf", "yes I will help you", "yes I will call in sick at work", "yes I will be there", etc.  You are letting other things for other people control your time. Control your time management so you get what is important done. It's nice to say yes but not all the time. 
4.  Quit Avoiding - Do not avoid anything that you know needs to be done. Do not avoid people, projects, tasks, work, etc, just because you do not want to do something that needs to be done.

Now let's look at four things you need to do to be successful.
1. Focus Your Energy - The vital task you need to complete to do a project, task or work at your best needs to be done when you're energized.  Trying is something you do when you have low energy, are grumpy and tired. All you will do to finish is "try". This is not your best and you will make mistakes.
2.  Ability to Prioritize - What are your priorities? Do you prioritize a list of things to do each day? What about priorities in your life. I am talking about real serious priorities. Not a list of things to do for that day, but your life priorities. What do you want? Your answer to this question becomes a serious priority in your life. 
3. Positive Mental Attitude - Attitude determines Altitude! You choose every day positive thoughts and negative thoughts. Your thoughts create the type of day you will have.  You control your thoughts. Make sure you put good positive input into your mind. will provide good input material.

4.  Set Goals - Every successful person I know sets goals; personal and business goals. Learn to set goals properly and you will change your life. has a "Goal Management" course you can study and learn to set goals properly.
Successfully yours,

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